Respiratory Module
Respiratory module
By working in conjunction with the Neteera Respiratory Module, our platform serves to promote personal wellness through an educated mindfulness. The Neteera devices can deploy a unique sensing capability that can interpret prominent vital signs such as heart rates and respiratory rates. This sensing competence then interacts with the TLS platform to extract a collection of data that in turn, can inform individuals of personal well-being trends.Such edification serves to enhance individual or personal comprehension, allowing them to make an informed judgement in relation to their wellness status.
Non-intrusive, image and hands free, privacy assured sensors!
Continuously Monitors Biodata through Clothing using Sub-THz Radar (No Cameras)
Patient Data Anonymized and sent to the Neteera Platform via Wi-Fi, Accessible through Any Device
Timely Patient Interventions.
Support Decisions and
Personalized Care Provision
Improved outcomes
Vital signs can be checked remotely, continuously, and most importantly, without physical contact – thus seamlessly and safely facilitating rapid and accurate detection of fluctuations in health condition in real-time.
Sensing vital signs through clothing
Your health is more than a five-minute dialogue
Improving access to informative health care
HR and RR are two of the basic vital signs being measured in virtually every medical encounter whether it be at the clinic, the emergency department, in the operating room, or on the hospital ward, etc. Variations in these measurements can indicate a serious medical condition: cardiac, respiratory, or other (non- cardiac, non-respiratory), which emphasizes the medical need for their reliable measurement and recording.
Disruptive solution with unprecedented sensing capabilities!
- Non-Intrusive! No Wearables Or Hands-On Devices Are Required.
- No Invasive Practices And No Physical Requirements.
- Allows For Continuous Remote Monitoring.
- Sensors Penetrate Through Fabric! Remain Clothed At All Times.
- Image Free Radar Detection - No Cameras Or Invasion Of Privacy.
Now available through Liberate, Liberate Lite and Embrace!
Powered by
Our Future Features!
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Ulcer Risks
- Blood Pressure
- Fall Risks
- Sleep Apnea
- Bed Exit & Entry Counts